With seams handled:

Now with a 3x3 blur, not position dependent:

// Find seams in the object
void OBJModel::findSeams(void)
// Seams lie along triangle edges. For each triangle, there are
// three possible seams (v0,v1), (v0,v2) and (v1,v2)
// Those lines might be seams if each of the vertices has more than
// one texture coordinate.
for(GLuint tri = 0; tri < _triangles.size(); tri++)
// Make a convenient copy of the vertex and texcoord indices
GLuint v[3];
GLuint t[3];
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
v[i] = _triangles[tri].vertex(i);
t[i] = _triangles[tri].texCoord(i);
Seam sm;
// Find any matching seams for line segment (v0, v1)
sm.v0 = v[0]; sm.v1 = v[1]; sm.t0a = t[0]; sm.t1a = t[1];
findMatchingSeams(sm, tri);
// Find any matching seams for line segment (v0, v2)
sm.v0 = v[0]; sm.v1 = v[2]; sm.t0a = t[0]; sm.t1a = t[2];
findMatchingSeams(sm, tri);
// Find any matching seams for line segment (v1, v2)
sm.v0 = v[1]; sm.v1 = v[2]; sm.t0a = t[1]; sm.t1a = t[2];
findMatchingSeams(sm, tri);
cout << "Seams: " << _seams.size() << endl;
cout << "Duplicate vertices: " << _duplicateVertices.size() << endl;
// Find any matching seams for a line segment
void OBJModel::findMatchingSeams(Seam sm0, GLuint noTri)
// Both of the vertices need to have more than 1 tex coord
// for this to be a seam
if(numTexCoords(sm0.v0) <= 1 || numTexCoords(sm0.v1 <= 1))
// Find triangles with the same vertex indices
for(GLuint tri = 0; tri < _triangles.size(); tri++)
// If this triangle contains these two vertices
if(tri != noTri &&
_triangles[tri].hasVertex(sm0.v0) &&
// Make a copy of the potential seam
Seam sm(sm0);
bool found0 = false;
bool found1 = false;
// Find the tex coords in the matching seam
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
// If vertex index 0 matches vertex index i,
// get the texture coord on the other side of the seam
if(sm.v0 == _triangles[tri].vertex(i))
found0 = true;
sm.t0b = _triangles[tri].texCoord(i);
// If vertex index 1 matches vertex index i,
// get the texture coord on the other side of the seam
if(sm.v1 == _triangles[tri].vertex(i))
found1 = true;
sm.t1b = _triangles[tri].texCoord(i);
// This shouldn't happen and in practice I haven't seen it happen, but
// check anyways
if(!found0 && !found1)
cout << "Found a seam but no matching texcoords" << endl;
// If the tex coords on the other triangle are exactly the same,
// then this isn't a seam. Removing this check results in an image
// that appears exactly the same as the one above
if(!(sm.t0a == sm.t0b && sm.t1a == sm.t1b))
// Add the duplicate vertices
// Add this seam to the list