- Diffuse lighting
- Ambient lighting
- Specular highlights
- Shadows
- Reflections
- Simple anitialiasing
- High dynamic range color
- Geometric objects: spheres, planes, triangles
- Perspective is maintained regardless of requested window size - pixels remain "square"
Platform: Mac OS X 10.5.6, XCode 3.0 / gcc 4.0.1
tar jxf jbowles-assign3.tar.bz2
cd jbowles-assign3
./raytracer --width=512 --height=512 --reflections \
--shadows --samples=3
Usage: ./raytracer [options]
--width Window width
--height Window height
--reflections turn on reflections
--maxdepth maximum number of reflections
(default 3)
--shadows turn on shadows
--samples square root of the number of
samples per pixel.
--perf turn on performance measurement
To exit, pressing Apple-Q, escape, or just q.
Output generated on a MacBook Pro 17" 2.4GHz dual core. Size of each image is 512x512.
./raytracer --width=512 --height=512
1.114634 seconds to render
Number of rays: 262144

./raytracer --width=512 --height=512 --shadows
1.161857 seconds to render
Number of rays: 446464

./raytracer --width=512 --height=512 --shadows --reflections
1.270463 seconds to render
Number of rays: 693328

./raytracer --width=512 --height=512 --shadows \
--reflections --samples=5
32.375095 seconds to render
Number of rays: 17334027

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